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Launching Waterfall DeFi liquidity mining campaign!

We’re thrilled to announce a new 4-week liquidity mining campaign for Waterfall DeFi with a US$10,000 reward pool! The campaign will start on October 21, 2021. 

Campaign Terms²

  • Start date: October 21, 2021, 14:00 UTC
  • Total reward pool*: US$10,000 (US$2,500 per week)
  • Reward token: USDT
  • Eligible token pairs: WTF/USDT
  • Eligible orders: maker orders placed with spreads of 1.0% or lower

Exchange: AscendEX (Use this Hummingbot referral link to support our project!)

About Waterfall DeFi

The Waterfall DeFi Team is comprised of professionals with years of experience from both tradfi, consulting, fast-growth tech and crypto/defi markets. We strive to deliver the best risk tranching product in this ever-changing industry. Waterfall DeFi is a platform that offers true risk diversification through tranching of yield generating DeFi assets. To learn more, please visit:  

*For full terms of the campaign, please see liquidity mining campaign terms. To learn more about liquidity mining, see below:

Important notes and disclaimers

Please review the Liquidity Mining Policy for the full disclaimer, including policies related to the use of Hummingbot.

The content of this Site does not constitute investment, financial, legal, or tax advice: none of the information contained on this Site constitutes a recommendation, solicitation, or offers to buy or sell any digital assets, securities, options, or other financial instruments or other assets, or to provide any investment advice or service.

No guarantee of profit: CoinAlpha does not claim that liquidity mining and participation in liquidity mining campaigns will be profitable, however, measured, for the user. Liquidity mining yields are a measure of rewards compared to assets used for liquidity mining, excluding any gains or losses incurred from the underlying trading strategy.

  1. Eligibility requirements: participation in liquidity mining is subject to eligibility requirements as specified in the liquidity mining policy.
  2. Campaign terms subject to change: terms may be modified over the course of the campaign. We will announce any changes, if any, on our Discord and Reddit; the most up-to-date terms will also be posted on the liquidity mining campaign terms and the miners app.



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