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January 2024 Miner Raffle



We are thrilled to announce the Hummingbot Miner Raffle!

During January (1/8/2024 - 2/5/2024)  we will be giving away 25,000 HBOT tokens to 10 lucky winners each week, plus a grand prize of 200,000 HBOTs at the end of the month! To participate in the raffle you only need to earn at least US$25 in mining rewards during any given week and a minimum of US$100 during the 4 week period.

Winners will be announced every Tuesday on Discord and on this page.

How can I participate in the weekly raffle?

You just need to be active on at least one mining campaign and earn a minimum of US$25 of rewards during a weekly period.

Am I eligible for the monthly grand prize?

All users who earned at least US$100 in mining rewards during the 4-week period will participate for the grand prize draw.

How will you choose the winners?

Out of the total list of users that meet the criteria, we will randomly select a total of 10 winners each week and 1 grand prize winner at the end of the month. The full list of winners will be posted on Discord at the end of the period (following Tuesday).

How much will each winner receive?

Each winner will receive a total of 25,000 HBOT tokens.

How much will the grand prize winner receive?

The winner of the final grand prize will receive a total of 200,000 HBOT tokens.

Am I eligible to participate if I won a previous week’s raffle?

Yes, winners will be selected randomly out of the total pool of eligible users both for the weekly raffle and for the grand prize, previous winners will not be excluded. 

When will I receive my prize?

Awarded tokens will be sent to you during the week after the winners are announced.

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