1. Access your Algorand wallet through My Algo.
  2. From your wallet dashboard, go to the drop-down menu in the top right corner.
  3. Click on Add Asset.
  4. Search for USDC ASA #31566704. Make sure to select the one with a verified checkmark.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Click on Asset opt-in.
  7. Input your password and click on Send to sign and broadcast your opt-in transaction to USDC.

Now you are set. Your account will now be able to receive USDC.

  • Enabling USDC will also require you to have some amount of ALGO tokens in the wallet in order to call the function to enable USDC.
  • Wallet address not used for trading. The wallet address is used for receiving payouts only. You do not need to deposit assets into or trade using this wallet.