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Get ONE Harmony wallet address

KB: 0059


Please be advised that any new wallet or token assignments made after Wednesdays 00:00 UTC will not get picked up by the payouts processing system until the next distribution period.

You can use a KuCoin ONE Harmony wallet address to receive ONE directly into your KuCoin account.


Alternatively, you can use a ONE Harmony wallet address to receive ONE Harmony rewards directly into your Binance account.


Here's how to set up your wallet from Binance :

  1. Login to Binance.
  2. On the upper right side of the website. Hover into Wallet and click Overview.

  3. Under the Buy button. Click Deposit.

  4. Click inside the SELECT COIN box and search for ONE Harmony.

  5. Choose ONE Harmony, and under Network choose ONE Harmony again. Click the Get Address button.
  6. You will see a pop out window to make sure that you are using shard0 on both sending and receiving addresses. Just click the OK button after checking.                                          
  7.  Click on the copy icon on the right side of the Address to copy.
  8. Lastly, paste it over to the Miner website wallet section. If the address has no provided Memo, then leave it blank.



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