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Get Algorand wallet address

KB: 0028


Please be advised that any new wallet or token assignments made after Wednesdays 00:00 UTC will not get picked up by the payouts processing system until the next distribution period.

  1. Go to Algorand Web Wallet (
  2. Create an account - complete the sign-up process.
  3. Make sure to save the mnemonic phrase. You need this to recover your wallet.
  4. Your wallet address will appear on the main screen, below your wallet name.
  5.  In the Hummingbot Miners app, click Settings then choose Wallets. Under Wallets, you can see Algorand (highlighted in the gray background) then click Connect and copy your wallet address.
  6. You will receive an email confirming you have successfully connected your wallet to Hummingbot Miner.



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