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My Pools

  • On first use (or while no wallet is set up), the Setup a wallet and start earning screen should appear. You should be able to jump directly to wallet setup by clicking on the Setup wallet button.
  • Once you become active, My Pools should show a list of the pools you're active in, including Pair, Exchange, User traded volume, Projected Rewards, and their ranking. When expanded, that pool’s details should appear. 
  • You should be able to jump to that specific pool Leaderboard by clicking on the trophy icon.
  • You should see all your traded volume since 00:00 UTC and the current day (since 00:00 UTC) projected rewards.


All Pools

  • This tab will show the list of all active reward pools.
  • Those pools on which you're currently active (have traded in the current week) should show an Active tag on top.



  • All-time earnings: should show all your earned rewards both paid out and accrued, since inception.
    Example: The user who earned and got paid 1000USD two weeks ago, accrued 300USD last week (to be paid during the current week) and has accrued 100USD during the current week (to be paid out next week), so the total earnings would be 1000+300+100=1400USD.
  • Yesterday’s earnings: should show your accrued rewards for the previous 24hs period only.
  • Earned rewards history: should show one entry per each day, since rewards are accrued every 24hs. Should include the following info: Trading Pair, Date, Exchange, final rank on that day, accrued rewards for that day (total USD value and actual reward token/s quantities), your total traded volume for that day, and % of total traded volume.
    • If you click on any of the Earned rewards history rows, a table will open, detailing all your trading activity, including, for each trade: timestamp, quantity, token, price, exchange, USD value, and side.



  • The next payout date should be visible below the dashboards.
  • You should be able to see a list of accrued (not yet paid) rewards. Asset, Quantity, and USD equivalent amount should be indicated for each entry.
  • You should be able to see a list of all past payouts, indicating the week the payout belongs to, the asset and quantity paid, the equivalent USD amount, and the address of the wallet they were paid to.
  • A link next to the wallet address should link the transaction on the network explorer.
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