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Can I use several wallet addresses to trade?

Yes, you can add as many trading wallets as you need. The system will track the activity on all connected wallets. However, keep in mind that a wallet address can only be added once to any dMiner account. dMiner will not allow you to connect a wallet address that is already being used by another account.

To demo how you can add multiple wallets, we can follow the guide below.

How to add or connect multiple trading wallets:

1. Go to dMiner Trading Wallets.

2. Click the Add new wallet.

3. Select a chain and put a label for easier identification. Click Connect wallet.

4. Click Connect to Metamask.

5. Sign the transaction on Metamask to verify wallet ownership.

6. You should see all the connected wallets on your Trading Wallets.


How to delete or disconnect a connected wallet:

1. Click the delete icon on the row of the wallet you want to delete.

2. Click OK on the popup prompt on the browser.

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